You Travel A Lot? Consider These Health Risks.

Individuals who spend a lot of time on airplanes for work probably realize that type of lifestyle may not be beneficial to your health. Irregular sleep patterns, stress, unhealthy eating and drinking, and not enough exercise can lead to increased health risks.

A current analysis of electronic medical data on thousands of U.S. workers suggests the health implications may be worse than we previously thought. It found a correlation between the frequency of business travel and a broad array of health dangers.

The study found individuals who spend 14 or more nights/month away from home on business travel (around 12% of executives), have significantly higher body mass index scores and were more likely to report clinical symptoms of stress, depression, alcohol dependence, smoking, and trouble sleeping.

Confirming this data, a report on health insurance claims by the World Bank found that frequent travelers had considerably higher claims for ailments like back disorders, asthma, and stress compared to less-frequent travelers.

The researchers recommend that business travelers skip the late-night meals and drink at the hotel bar. Restaurant meals contain more calories per serving and is greater in total fat than meals prepared at home. In addition, travelers should look for exercise choices by simply staying at hotels with well-equipped fitness centers.

Companies could offer stress management counseling and coping strategies since anxiety is a constant travel companion. Maybe above all, workers can think about whether they actually need to be on the road so frequently.